Visitors' Submitted Photos
On this page we will feature photos sent in by visitors to our website.
To find out how to submit a photo of your car, e-mail us below!
Hello, I hope you will include this picture of my 1959 Ranger 2 door hard top on your website. I
am very proud of this car. I purchased it 6 years ago when I was just 14. I saved up money from
my newspaper route to buy it myself. This picture was taken at my junior prom. Unfortunately my
Edsel is no longer in working order, I am in desperate need of a master cylinder. So if any of
your visitors can point me in the direction of a new on, or a rebuild kit for my old one, I will
be very appreciative. Thank you, Adam Samulak atomick66@hotmail.com. Adam also mentioned that this
car has only 49,000 original miles!
Hello fellow Edsel folks!
I wanted to write to you to thank you for a great web site! I really
appreciate having a place online to go edsel crazy!

I have a Yahoo club
for Edsels, but so far there are only 6 people in it. Hopefully it will
grow someday. Feel free to stop by and check it out.
Click Here for the Utopian Turtletop Club.
I am also attaching a few photos of my Edsel. I finally got one! It is a
1959 Ranger 4 door sedan, not the most desirable body style, but it's an
Edsel and it's mine!!! Feel free to use them on your site if you think
they are acceptable (it's not a show car, but it's pretty nice!) Thanks
again for the great web site!!Matt Osborne

We recently received this postcard by e-mail...

Thomas Korbay, from Alotting, Germany sent us these photos of his 1958 Corsair.
We received this email and photo, "
If you are looking for volunteers for your web page, my '58 Villager
nine passenger wagon is available. I bought it in December 1991 in
Decatur, Texas when I was active duty Navy. It has been 'stationed' in
Michigan, Massachuessetts, Georgia and returned to Benton Harbor,
Michigan when I retired. It has the E-400 motor, Tele-touch, power
brakes, power front seat. It is Spring Green and White. Owners: Steve
and Jill Miller." Thanks Steve, for the photo!
David Fleischer, AGAIN writes, "
I don't mean to make you jealous, but I own this Pacer
convertible and these pictures were taken in the July 4th parade.
It is an all original 59,000 mile car that I have owned since 1986. When I
bought this car, it had not been registered since 1965 and had only 44,000
miles. It still had the original top which was hardened and shrunken with age.
Just replacing the top improved the car's overall appearance. I have not done
any body or interior work. However, mechanical attention was necessary due to
the long storage prior to my purchase."
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Email: smith@edsel.net